Memory Games

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Play games with your kids. It's not just fun and games—it's also a fabulous way to help build confidence and self-esteem, as well as practice social skills! Boredom is the enemy of any parent, so we've found some ways to make game playing a lit… Read More

Play games with your kids.

It's not just fun and games—it's also a fabulous way to help build confidence and self-esteem, as well as practice social skills! Boredom is the enemy of any parent, so we've found some ways to make game playing a little more interesting.

To get your kids to start playing board games, try setting up a "game closet" in their room or playroom. This will encourage them to play because they'll have access to all of their favorite games in one place.

When it comes time for game night, set up some ground rules and make sure everyone understands them before you start playing. This will help keep everyone focused on the same goal: having fun!

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