
Build & Create

Build & Create

If you want your child to be a creative, imaginative problem solver, there's one thing you can do: encourage them to build, create, and play.

Fine motor skills are the movements of small muscles in the hands and fingers. They're an important part of learning how to hold a pencil or pen, which is why fine motor activities like building with Legos help children develop those skills. Gross motor skills are movements involving large muscle groups like the arms, legs and torso—which is why it's important to play outside as much as possible!

The best part is that these types of activities are not only fun but also beneficial for children's cognitive development. As they work on creating new things or improving upon old projects, they're developing their creativity and problem-solving skills. And as they play together with friends or family members (or even by themselves), they're learning how to interact with others in positive ways.

So go ahead: encourage them!