It’s NAPLAN Week!

It’s NAPLAN Week!

NAPLAN is the National Assessment Program for Literacy and Numeracy, and can be quite the daunting task particularly for our primary school kids that are new to the test. Teachers have already done the preparation and practice to ease your child's expectations, so to further support them we thought wed share a few extra points for you and your family to keep in mind prior to testing.

Your child can only do their best and that is good enough. They are testing the skills learned over time at school, so consider it just another school day. The test is only an indication, it is not measuring your faults, but how well your school and teachers have taught you, and what they can do better. It cannot measure everything!

The NAPLAN doesn't test the many wonderful skills that are just as/ if not even more important. If your child is struggling with anxiety around the tests, make sure you remind them of everything amazing about them that Naplan doesn't test! (And if it's all too much, then there is the option to opt out too as it is not compulsory)

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