Understanding Behaviour As Communication

As parents, careers, family members, or teachers, whatever your role in a young person's life, we need to understand that kids communicate through their behaviour.

From a baby, they communicate by crying, and then the type of cry can tell us even more:

  • they're hungry
  • need a nappy change
  • are in pain
  • or just want a cuddle or snuggle

Even at this young age, they're communicating through their facial expressions (along with the tone of cry), and we eventually get to learn what their cry means.

That cry, though is their only form of communication.

As our babies grow into toddlers and young children, they continue to communicate through their behaviour. Perhaps you've noticed that when your young child is tired, they'll rub their eyes? Or if they're unhappy, they'll throw something (hopefully not their bowl of spaghetti

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