Our Blog

Practising Mindfulness for Kids

Mindfulness for kids couldn’t be more important in the world we live in. Particularly with COVID-19 and some states of Australia bei

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Fidgeting to Focus

Sensory fidget toys are more than just a craze and the latest hype. They have a fabulous purpose for kids with ADHD, OCD, Autism and other

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Diagnosed with Dyslexia - The Early Signs

Being diagnosed with dyslexia, whether you’re an adult or child, can be quite a process. But once you have been, everything makes sens

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10 Gross Motor Skills Development Ideas For Kids

{ "__shgImageElements": { "uuid": "s-23561bb7-e8ca-4c51-8717-cfa7e457812b" } } Gross motor skills are important for everyday life - developing the muscles in the arms, legs a

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Child Psychology

window.SHOGUN_IMAGE_ELEMENTS = window.SHOGUN_IMAGE_ELEMENTS || new Array(); window.SHOGUN_IMAGE_ELEMENTS.push({ hoverImage: '', uuid: 's-23561bb7-e8c

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