Tips For Setting Up ADHD'ers for Success!

The classroom environment can often pose challenges for kids with ADHD. The rules of the classroom—sitting still, listening quietly AND concentrating are the very things they find most difficult to maintain for a whole school day.

This is something I have had a bit of first hand experience with. Two of my three Boys are ADHDers, each with their own set of strengths and challenges. One inattentive, the other hyperactive.It’s a juggling act but I’ve become well versed in navigating between the two, and setting them both up for successful learning, particularly in an environment like a classroom. These are just a few tips that I’ve found helpful for my kids, when it comes to their learning and development.



Incorporate movements during lessons:
When planning lessons, alternate seated activities with physical movement wherever possible.

Use visuals as support:
Students with ADHD respond well to visual material. The use of pictures, colours, videos and charts can help them absorb new information.


Give clear one or two-step directions:
Helping children with ADHD follow directions means taking measures to keep your instructions extremely brief.

Set a timer for work sessions:
Teach kids a better understanding of the passage of time: using a timer can help them to monitor their work load efficiency.

Allow the use of fidgets:
Fidget toys improve learning through toy manipulation which helps the child actively listen, pay attention and focus on the task.

Provide flexible seating options:
Allow the student with ADHD to work in a quiet zone within the classroom. This should be a place in the room that is quiet and free from visual stimulation.



Use hands-on learning activities:
Create learning opportunities where children experience things first-hand.

Use students own interests in lessons:
Students with ADHD are often capable of focusing intensely on something they're interested in so use that to your advantage and incorporate it into your lessons.


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